Start your Explorer Plan Free Trial

Free for 30 days

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We provide 30 days of free e-mail support to every new customer in all subscription plans. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us.

Boost your Booking Affiliate Marketing Conversion

With the Explorer plan you will see a rapid increase in your affiliate conversion rate. This will happen because Wish To Go shown Travel Affiliate links only when your readers are ready to buy.

Share your Trips with your Followers

You can share the itinerary you followed in a certain trip with your readers. They will love to enjoy the same places that you visited. And they will be happy to book the same hotels and tours that you enjoyed from the free Travel Planner.

Send Relevant Emails to your Readers

With Wish To Go you will know when and where your readers are going to travel. Why not take advantage of this moment? Send them relevant e-mails with information and advice about their chosen destination.